Store Terminology
Confused with the unique terminology of Star Citizen?
Read below to understand what these terms mean and their implications

Pledge Types

Game Package
Pledges that contain access to Star Citizen and/or Squadron 42 are called Game Packages. You can identify a Game Package by looking at the contents of a Pledge. If it contains Star Citizen Digital Download or Squadron 42 Digital Download, it has access to the respective game. 

Most of our package listings contain image with the exact details of the pledge. If an image is missing or you are still unsure what's included, please contact us by clicking the "Get Support" widget in the bottom right corner.
Standalone Ship/Vehicle
Per its title, if a Ship or Vehicle is marked Standalone, you are purchasing the ship/vehicle only and not access to Star Citizen or Squadron 42. A standalone ship or vehicle will always come with a specified insurance and hangar, but may also come with other items. Standalone ships / vehicles do not require any other items to be used in the game as long as they are flight ready. If they are not flight ready, then you will receive a loaner ship or vehicle. For more information please check the Loaner Matrix 
CCU'd Ship/Vehicle
A CCU’ed ship or vehicle is one that started as a cheaper LTI (Lifetime Insurance) item and was upgraded to become the final version. This process allows us to offer a wide variety of LTI ships and vehicles at a discount, which we then pass on to you. 

When purchasing a CCU'd ship or vehicle, the “gifting email” will only show the basic ship inside and not the “upgraded” one - only when you click on the link and see the ship in your hangar can you see that you have received the correct ship. If a CCU'd ship is reclaimed (Melted), only the original pledge will be available and the CCU'd ship will be lost.
Original Concept
During the development of any Ship or Vehicle, they are first proposed as a Concept by CIG. This is the earliest phase of its development where concept drawings and specifications are formed, but also this is the time when the Ship or Vehicle is offered with the most amount of additional items and/or Lifetime Insurance. Original Concept ships are extremely sought after, as many of the Ships and Vehicles developed long ago are not available with Lifetime Insurance or with their additional Items.

You can find all of our fantastic Original Concept offers below:
MM (Midweek Mayhem)
Any item marked with these means it is discounted for either a limited time, limited stock, or both.  MM stands for Midweek Mayhem, our promotion each Wednesday where we offer extremely limited quantities of pledges at a killer deal!


CCU's (Cross-Chassis Upgrades)
CCU's, or Cross Chassis Upgrades, are upgrades from one ship or vehicle to another of a higher value. When a CCU is applied, only the ship or vehicle changes, the other items in your pledge (Insurance, Hangar, etc) remain the same. 

To note, you cannot upgrade to a ship or vehicle of the same or lower value.
Warbond CCU's
Warbond CCU's (Cross-Chassis Upgrades) are upgrades that can only be purchased with cash, and not store credit. Often Warbond CCU's contain additional benefits, whether they are discounted from their original CCU price, or contain additional items such as Insurance, Paints, etc (See below).
CCU's with Insurance/Paints/Etc
When applied to your pledge, CCU's (Cross-Chassis Upgrades) that contain additional items not only swaps the ship or vehicle in your pledge, but also adds the additional items that are listed. This can be insurance, paints, or other items.

When a CCU with insurance is added, you will notice that the additional insurance is added to your pledge, and may show both your prior insurance level AND the new insurance level. When this occurs, CIG will take the highest level of insurance between the two.

Pledge Contents

UEC/Starting Money
The UEC listed in any pledge is considered your Starting Money when the game fully releases, i.e. version 1.0. It is not attributed to your UEC balance that you can see on the website or in-game until that time, so do not panic if you do not see it yet!

Although UEC is available directly via the RSI Pledge Store, we highly recommend that you do not purchase it. $20 is 20k UEC, however, many pledges for ships and vehicles come with UEC and are a much more worthwhile investment, when ships and vehicles themselves will be in the hundreds of thousands or millions of UEC in worth.
aUEC is the testing currency currently used in the Star Citizen economy. The aUEC amount when you start the game is determined by how much 'base' aUEC CIG decide to add (Maybe they want to test big in-game purchases so they add more, etc) plus they attributed the equivalent in UEC listed on your web account. Remember, they do not consider any UEC locked within Game Packages or other pledges - that UEC will be attributed when the game goes live, i.e. version 1.0.
The Verse is a dangerous place, so all ships come with a level of insurance in the form (currently) of a duration. This ranges from 2 months to Lifetime Insurance (LTI). Insurance is not currently utilised in the testing of Star Citizen, and the 'timer' for your insurance will begin when the game is fully released, i.e. version 1.0. Eventually, there will be tiers of insurance that cover not just the hull, but ship contents, loadouts, and more.

Lifetime Insurance (LTI) is the sought-after duration as you will never have to pay the insurance renewel for your ship or vehicle.
Game Access
Typically a pledge containing the name "Game Package" has game access, but not all packages follow this naming convention. Checking your pledge on the CIG website in My Hangar, if it contains Star Citizen Digital Download or Squadron 42 Digital Download, it has access to the respective game.

Concierge members (Those who have pledged over $1,000 dollars directly on their CIG account) have game access without a Game Package attributed to their account.
Snub Ship/Vehicle
Some ships in the Verse come with snub ships and vehicles. An example is the Constellation Aquila that has an RSI URSA Rover and P-52 Merlin. These are snub ships/vehicles attributed to the ship itself and will not be listed in the pledge under My Hangar, therefore they cannot be upgraded. Instead, the owner will always have access to spawn these via ASOP terminals within the game.

If you have additional craft listed in your pledge as part of a collection of ships or vehicles, these are separate and are therefore available to upgrade.