Don’t have time to come away from the yokes to catch up on news? Grab a cup of space brew, sit back, and get up to speed on the latest developments, promotions, and community highlights in just a few minutes!

Star Citizen News & Developments
Development Updates
Whitley's Guide - Gladius
An in-depth look at the Gladius, a light fighter that has been a cornerstone of the UEE Navy for centuries. -
Save Stanton - Gear Up for the Fight
With Stanton under assault by a system-wide rash of heinous pirate attacks and the local authorities flummoxed at every turn, the people need heroes willing to put it all on the line to defend their home. -
This Week in Star Citizen - November 11, 2024
An overview of the week's events and updates in the Star Citizen universe. -
Q&A: MISC Starlancer TAC
Following the concept release of the MISC Starlancer TAC, designers answer community-voted questions about this versatile transport chassis built for deep-space operations.
Community Events
Star Citizen Live - Q&A Characters and Creatures
A Q&A session addressing questions about content showcased during the 'Dressed to Kill' presentation from CitizenCon 2954, including new fauna, specialized equipment, and challenges across the 'verse. -
Inside Star Citizen - Inside CitizenCon 2954
A behind-the-scenes look at the production of the biggest CitizenCon ever, featuring insights from the team that brought the event to life.
Upcoming Events
Countdown to IAE 2954
The Intergalactic Aerospace Expo (IAE) returns on November 22, 2024, promising to be the biggest ship show in the 'verse.
Latest from The Impound
The Impound News Hub
We have been hard at work curating content for a new News Hub section (Where you are sitting now!). We intend for this to be our corner where we can bring the news direct to your eye balls, no matter how much, or little, time you have. We intend to digest everything from the past week across the net into digestible snippets that keep you up to speed, so if you have any feedback, be sure to let us know on Discord! -
Midweek Mayhem - Discounted Original Concepts
This weeks' mayhem continues as we offer discounts of up to $400 on Original Concept Ships. Be sure to check out the Midweek Mayhem promotion page for further details, but be quick - Once the limited stock is gone at that price, they won't be returning! -
IAE / Black Friday
The Impound will be hosting sales, promotions, and giveaways throughout November and into December, so be sure to stay tuned to our socials, emails, and Discord for details.
Highlights From Around The Verse
Reddit user Bvirgl posted this epic screenshot of Daymar, with far-reaching shadows cast over the mountains. View Post
One of our favourite spaceship photo snappers in the Verse, Irmdall captured this breath-taking shot of the Polaris skimming the water.

And finally, get your drink and popcorn ready for this incredible short film from Ryferion. View Post
Oh, and this is definitely the best honourable mention to have ever been mentioned - Did we mention? A fine piece of art by KingOfSpades from The Impound Discord, I must say!

That's a wrap! Be sure to get involved in The Impound Discord Server with like-minded spacefaring pilots, and we will see you..... somewhere in the Verse!